Our people work across the world in demanding conditions. Whether working in the field or in the office, a culture of safety requires us all to function as one team to ensure safety is continually practiced every day.We want Saltchuk companies to be the kind of place where we would all be proud for our children to work; foundational to this is ensuring that everyone returns home safe and sound. As such, our goal is zero incidents across all lines of business.
To achieve this:
We foster a culture of safety within our organization, every day. We educate our people so that the lessons they learn at work they also take home.
We expect a personal commitment to safe processes and guidelines; this shared commitment is the foundation of our safety mentality. We work continuously to improve and protect against potential hazards.
We support every employee in exercising their responsibility to their team, their families, and themselves to comply with safety rules and regulations, and to speak up when there are unsafe work conditions. Every person working in our operations has stop work authority.
We ensure our operating companies maintain proper procedures and requirements to help prevent incidents and review best practices with the hopes that these lessons will not only make our people safe at work, but also at home.
Foss Maritime’s safety program is built on a sophisticated behavior-based focus, with robust health, safety and compliance programs that require constant attention to safety by all Foss employees.
Our safety culture has now progressed to the point where we are tracking our incident free time in months, not days. We provide frequent reports on the ever-growing number of Job Safety Analyses, Near Misses and Safety Observations that are being reported every day. We have multiple Regional Safety Committees that provide another venue to support our push to zero initiatives, and we continually review and discuss notable near misses and observations, safety alerts and safety bulletins.
Speak Up Take Action
Our employees are aligned under common values of safety, reliability, and commitment. We share a single Code of Ethical Business Conduct and our employees are encouraged to speak up to ensure our work environments adhere to the highest standards of ethics, integrity, and safety. At any time if any employee is concerned about something that may be illegal or unethical happening on the job, we encourage our employees to reach out to one of the local reporting options or submit a report online by phone to the Ethics hotline.